Thursday, May 1, 2008

A woman's work is never done!

Ok, so as I sit here and type may I just add that my 3 year old just got out of bed and said, "Mom, don't be mad , I just need to go potty." He went to the potty, pulled his pants back up and said, " Goodnight, I love you." He then closed his door and went back to bed. That was a proud Mommy moment.

On other notes......since we have been in our new home it seems like I never just "sit" anymore. Our house has doubled in size and I stay so busy. I am constantly cleaning and well, there are still boxes and rooms that need some serious help. I finally feel like those women who never stop. I absolutely love yard work and I didn't get to do much of that before, but now we have this awesome yard that needs some extra care too. It is so great to be busy in our own home. I am loving every second of it. Yes, even the mowing too! We have some BIG plans for our backyard and I am so the type who would like to get it all done RIGHT NOW!! I'm a little OCD by the way when it comes to certain things. I know that it will just take time and well, more money than we have right now. I look forward to seeing the finished product of what our dream yard will be, probably right before we decide to sell and move to our 1000 acres that my hubby dreams about finding. THEN MY WORK WILL TRULY NEVER BE DONE!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right. Our work is never done. I feel blessed that my life is so full that I don't have time to be bored, but can take time to just play with my kids...even if it means I have to depend on a pot of coffee to get through my day. You are about to be even busier taking on such a big role in GO!