Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Growth

Well, last Tuesday we finally were able to get that camo cast off. Zane was a little excited but bummed out too. He was getting so much attention from the cast that I think that we didn't make a BIG enough deal about getting it off. Tuesday night we "celebrated" getting the cast off and went for Zane's favorite dessert, donuts. His leg and still tender and he is on restriction from what I call "fun" for about two weeks. The bone has healed perfectly and we could see new growth of bone around the other bone. His little leg is still very tender and I hate that he still can't jump run and play without it being sore. I hope to see my "baby" back to being a "boy" soon!!!

1 comment:

Brittani's Holding Little Hands said...

Poor little fellow. That had to be so hard. He is such a CUTIE!

I also wanted to tell you that my parents are doing great-both retired when we had the boys, but we haven't been able to persuade them to move closer our way just yet. Challi lives in East Texas, so she is our middle ground and truthfully we hardly go longer than a few weeks without finding a way to get together. (Just didn't want to put all that on the blog:)
How about your family?