Monday, October 22, 2007

Sometimes I think Zane is the parent

Children are a total reflection of their parents. Sad to say sometimes, but true! I broke a piece of wood that belongs on my computer desk and Zane decides to correct me....BAD BAD BAD Mommy! NO NO! You need to go to your room. I just laughed because I couldn't get mad at him for talking to me that way! I do it to him. Now I know what I sound like. I went to get the drill and some screws to fix my mistake and using my handyman skills, Zane starts clapping and says, "Yeah, good job Mommy. Way to go. You fixed it! Good job!"

This made me realize we have such a HUGE impact on our children. Of course I knew that, but it was brought back to light for me through my son! Words they hear are so powerful.

Oh, and my handyman skills didn't last b/c I broke it again and Lance had to really fix it this time!!